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 ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea...

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Age : 42
Location : Baltimore, MD

ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Empty
PostSubject: ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea...   ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2007 11:27 am


Aquarium officials said Shark Rays are considered the “pandas of the aquatic world” as there fewer than ten locations in the world with them on display.

article with pics
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Location : Sacramento - California

ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea...   ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2007 6:43 pm

O my, that doesn't look like a ray.... Sleep boring read
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Location : Austin Texas

ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea...   ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Icon_minitimeMon Aug 20, 2007 7:48 pm

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ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea...   ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Icon_minitimeMon Aug 20, 2007 11:17 pm

wat r u gonna find next? pandas of the air? black and white furry flying creatures? no, ur done. stfu
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Location : Baltimore, MD

ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea...   ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2007 9:29 am

homopanda wrote:
wat r u gonna find next? pandas of the air? black and white furry flying creatures? no, ur done. stfu

i'm not done till i find yo momma.

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Age : 41
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ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea...   ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2007 10:36 am

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Posts : 101
Join date : 2007-08-09
Age : 42
Location : Sacramento - California

ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea...   ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Icon_minitimeTue Aug 21, 2007 4:25 pm

pandaEXPRESS wrote:
homopanda wrote:
wat r u gonna find next? pandas of the air? black and white furry flying creatures? no, ur done. stfu

i'm not done till i find yo momma.


HAHAHA clown
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ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Empty
PostSubject: Re: ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea...   ChickAn of the sea? No, Panda of the sea... Icon_minitime

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